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And Here's Lori - Sr.Catering Manager

Full name and why you were named that – Lori Kim Schacher – According to my mom, I was supposed to be named Nicki but then “just didn’t look like a Nicki” so she changed it at the last minute.

Alumni of: University of Florida – Go Gators!

"My Wedding Caption – All in good time

My favorite four legged friend: Bob & Alien – my two really fat Chihuahuas.

My #1 piece of advice for planning an event – Give me a clear vision of what you want and then trust me to make it happen for you.

Family is #1

What do you love about your job? I get to be creative and work with many different types of clients as well as awesome coworkers.

Bad Habit: Interrupting people when I am excited to tell them something

Pet Peeve: Unnecessary cc-ing on emails.

Strangest food I have ever eaten – My husband made rabbit terrine once and I am not sure how strange that is but I won’t be eating it again – EVER!!

The furthest I have gone from AZ is: -I lived in Japan as a baby

Don't tempt me with: A “good” book – nothing too literary but any crime novel/mystery will do

Cooking, baking or eating out? Baking – but never the same thing twice

If you called in “rich” to work what would you do instead – Travel with my family to Europe and then probably put my skills to use working part time for a non-profit that works with children

My favorite place on earth – On a beach anywhere with my family

Hobbies: Reading, Baking, Yoga

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