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The Lovely Lauren

Full name and why you were named that - Lauren Tingley Evans Burns

Lauren - Lauren Bacall (actress)
Tingley - mom's maiden name
Evans - family surname
Burns - married name

Now I've got more names than I know what to do with... but I just couldn't give one up.

Alumni of: ASU!! Go Devils and University of Sussex (study abroad) Go... badgers?

"My Wedding Caption - "Uncle Sam says we've got 90 days... go!"

My favorite four legged friend: COMET! She is the cutest 2 and 1/2 year old Cocker Spaniel. Picture Lady from Lady & the Tramp... and then think even cuter & more fun :)

My #1 piece of advice for planning an event - It's all in the details! Don't feel overwhelmed. Just keep the big picture in sight & take it one step at a time.

Horror event story – Remember that one time a meeting planner showed up for her 300 person school room style meeting & the room wasn't set? I do.

My Family is: Dysfunctional. Loud. Makes me crazy. My rock....and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What do you love about your job? The relationships you build with your clients and seeing the end results.

Bad Habit: Word Vomit.

Pet Peeve: Being called “Laura”, especially via email when my signature is below. Also, cell phones on the dinner table. Is that really necessary? Are you telling me you're waiting to be rescued or just waiting for someone more interesting?

Strangest food I have ever eaten: Rattlesnake (because I wanted to), frog legs (because of a dare), and blood pudding / black pudding (because I find this completely bizarre – and yes, it was gross).

The furthest I have gone from AZ is: Athens, Greece (distance) or Edinburgh, Scotland (climate).

Don't tempt me with: Chocolate. Or a dessert from Friendly's (east coast childhood thing). Or anything from Michael Kors.

Cooking, baking or eating out? Watching people cook, baking when I feel inspired, and eating out when I don't want to go grocery shopping.

Allergic to? Whatever causes hay fever. Dietary restrictions: nuts, shellfish and popcorn.

If you called in “rich” to work what would you do instead - Travel around the world and find cures for medical illnesses. World Peace would be nice too... but not sure whom I'd pay to get that.

My favorite place on earth - Not entirely sure... but my bed is definitely up there!

Hobbies: sleeping, designing ideas for my new home, hiking with my pup, and travelling.

My Last Supper would be: loaded with all of the things you're not supposed to eat! Dessert to include tiramisu and Carvel's Orange Creamy with rainbow sprinkles in a cake cone. Plus, some nuts; I'd like to try a whole lot of them. Oh yes, and white cheddar SmartFood popcorn... I miss that!


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