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LT is up! Convention Service Manager Extraordinaire

Full Name and why you were named that - Laurie Anne Thompson – My mother was a teacher, and Laurie was one of her favorite students

Alumni of: University of Kansas – Go Jayhawks and Minnesota State University, Mankato

"My Dream Date" –“ Right now… any good looking man that would ask me out

My favorite four legged friend: I don’t really have a favorite, always had dogs growing up, but now I have 2 cats (Tiffany and Fendi), I like them all equally

My #1 piece of advice for planning an event - Don’t stress, I can do that for you.

Horror event story? I had an end of conference awards dinner, and people had to turn in tickets, and pick tables. The client gave me the guarantee, then continued to accept tickets without telling me. We ended up serving 45 over the overset, and the board members did not eat – (by their choice). We had to drop several tables while everyone was in the room, to accommodate all the extra bodies. It was a little chaotic, but all worked out.

Mi Family is: everything to me. I’m happy to now be living in a driving distance to my parents

What you love about your job? All the great people I get to work with, all the great events that I’ve been able to be a part, the great speakers I’ve seen, great entertainment, and I always learn something with each meeting planner I work with.

Bad Habit: Completely addicted to my phone

Pet Peeve: People who get YELLULAR on their cellular

Strangest food I have ever eaten: I tried a grasshopper once, I won’t be trying it a second time

The furtherest I have gone from AZ is: I’m originally from Minnesota, so I guess that would be the furthest

Don't tempt me with: chocolate or pizza

Cooking, baking or eating out? Eating out

Allergic to? No allergies

If you called in “rich” to work what would you do instead – I would take some time off to do a lot of things I don’t have time for, like golf, learn to sew, learn to play the violin and the bass guitar, then open a cupcake store

My favorite place on earth is home

Hobbies: golf, knitting and decorating cupcakes, and I also like to play video games

My Last Supper would be full of carbohydrates, pizza, pasta, breads, mmmmm

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