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Go Green - Go Shopping!

It's all about being “green” these days, and that isn’t excluded to driving a Prius or buying only local cage free eggs. A good second hand "vintage" shopping outing can also easily classify as being “green”, right?

I wouldn’t say I’m a pro second hand thrift shopper, but I do enjoy a good deal and hit up second hand stores a few times a year.

Here are some of my top picks!

Hissyfits - They just opened a 2nd location in old town Scottsdale and their first location is on 7th Street & Glendale. This gem is awesome for finding designer duds for your kids. They only take the best and then dish them out at great prices. I haul in a couple of garbage bags full of clothes each year to turn in and then use my store credit for new outfits for my little ladies.

Butter Toast - Located in the heart of downtown Phoenix (Roosevelt Row), this rocking resale shop is located in a historic home and boasts amazing vintage/retro clothes that won't break the bank. It’s way cooler and much cheaper than Buffalo Exchange for sure!

Modern Manor - By far the coolest mid-century modern/retro/vintage furniture place out there. It is located off the beaten path in a large warehouse style space just off 7th Avenue and Hazelwood. This place brings in stuff from all over the country so that you can fill an entire home with "Mad Men" furnishing that won't break the bank.

I also enjoy hitting up the Savors on 56th Street & Thomas (currently closed for renovations). I have found some great Gap pieces and brand new baby clothes there. There is Flo's on 7th Avenue where I got my 7 jeans for $18. Also noteworthy are My Sisters Closet and Well Suited - my husband has scored deals here a few times. And should we call Last Chance “second hand?” I might have to argue in favor of that… If it has been returned or worn by a model at a Nordstrom’s, I guess it is still getting a second go-around.

So Go Green by Going Shopping!

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