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BE Thankful

This year I am seeing a flood of "30 Days of Thanksgiving" posts on Facebook. It is a great reminder of all the things we have to be thankful for each day. This year I’ve decided to take a step back from the business of the season and instead to enjoy more time with my family and friends.

I am hoping to put together some fun homemade projects, to try my hand at a few new Thanksgiving recipes, and most of all just to spend time making memories with my husband and daughters. I want to put aside worries about a clutter-free house, a fancy autumn tablescape, or early Christmas shopping. This quote is a good reminder of how to live during this hectic and crazy season:

"Go for Long Walks, Indulge in Hot Baths, Question your Assumptions, Be Kind to Yourself, Life for the Moment, Loosen Up, Scream, Curse the World, Count your Blessings, Just Let Go, Just Be." - Carol Shields

So go and enjoy the season. Make something for a neighbor (like those amazing candy turkeys above), and then walk it over and visit with them. Watch “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” with your kids (at least once if not more!). Call and chat with your grandparents or faraway friends. Make memories and don't worry about checklists.

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