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Why Didn't I Think of That?

Now that we have the "world wide web", in a few seconds we can Google up creative ideas for decorating for the holidays, cooking something new, making a homemade costume, and even learning how to fishtail braid.   I love scanning the web for ideas, and then after the event I usually see some more great ideas that I want to copy for next year.  
With Halloween 2013 in the books, here are a couple of AMAZING ideas for next year. 
Now if only we could remember them in 12 months!

First off, if you have watched Breaking Bad this is Amazing.  This was done in Brooklyn NYC and the caption on the photo was:  
Skylar gave out regular candy to the kids, but the blue crystals on the cookie sheets were candy and they gave that to adults...
It was just normal rock candy, but it was so funny, they never broke character and Walter bossed everyone around and said only adults can have that candy.

 This unique carving was done by the Catering Team at the San Antonio Hyatt Regency.  Gotta love the creative way this pumpkin was carved.

 Here’s a great DIY costume for kids.
The little French Baker would have been the hit of the neighborhood.

 This beautiful pumpkin is unique and original, and it’s a great way to decorate without carving so it can last the whole season vs. one night.

So maybe next year I will remember these great ideas… or I’ll be onto new ones thinking these were so "last year!"

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