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Get to Know Us!

This Summer we are going to get up close and personal with our staff!
  First Up - Catering Manager and Wedding Specialist Griselda.

 Full Name and why you were named that: Griselda Yee Chacon

                       a. First Name: Character on Mom’s favorite TV Show

                       b. Middle Name: It’s my Maiden name, Great Grandfather was Chinese

                       c. Last Name: Came with my marriage!

                        You can also call me "Gris" 
Alumni of: Yuma High School/ Arizona State University (VERY PROUD SUN DEVIL!)

"My Wedding Caption"
              Long Spanish Catholic Mass followed by a “Jackpot Winning” Reception at a Casino Resort

My favorite four legged friend is the cutest American Bulldog you will ever meet, his name is Diesel and weighs in at 100 lbs!

I am asked often my #1 piece of advice for brides:  Food IS very important and people DO remember it, especially if they have to go grab a bite later because it just wasn’t satisfying. Also, make sure you have a day of contact, there are way too many things going on for you to have to worry about everything.

Horror wedding story? Sorority Party crashing an Oakland Raiders Themed Wedding (TOP THAT!)

Mi Familia is Loud, Fun, & Lovable. Every get together is a party & every dinner is a feast! Even if you are not hungry, you will be fed.

What you love about your Job? The team that I work with and the fact that not one day is the same.. you never know what will come up.

Bad Habit - Checking my phone

Pet Peeve - People who don’t use their signal while they are driving

Rattle Snake is the strangest food I have ever eaten

The furtherest I have gone from AZ is Veracruz, Mexico

Don't tempt me with Reality TV Shows (Bravo TV) and Shopping for the home (World Market, Pier 1, and Home Goods)

Cooking, baking or eating out? - Cooking but I love trying new places especially in Downtown Phoenix

Allergic to? - Nothing.. Thank God!

If you called in “rich” to work what would you do instead? - Pick up my mom and get on the first plane to Italy

My favorite place on earth is, of course, The Most Magical of all… Disney World

I absolutely love to scrapbook whether its the traditional cardstock way or fun digital books because I’m a sucker for technology.

My Last Supper would be PIZZA… doesn’t matter what kind as long as there isn’t any pineapple or olives on it.

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