Check out the latest and greatest from Copper Square Kitchen showcasing past events, new trends and event ideas. Enjoy the blog and please comment away.


Cup of Joe

Nothing like a little caffeine to get your day started right. Our office loves a good caffeine high and below is where we get our "fix!"

Patti loves an iced non-fat latte from Starbucks
Erin hits up Dunkin Donuts for their vanilla or hazelnut blend
Renee doesn't mess around when it comes to her ice blended mocha with whip cream and chocolate from Einstein's Bro. Bagels
Craig saves money by making his Lapsang Soughong hot tea at home
Coffee LOVER Lori isn't picky when it comes to her coffee - she just needs it daily
Andy along with Patti loves an iced mocha from Starbucks
Local Ladies - Lauren and Griselda hit up the local spots - Cartel for the Skinny Honey Latte and Jobot for the Iced Toddy

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