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What we are Reading

Here you go!

Last week we explored our Netflix queues. Today we are opening up our Kindles to reveal what we have our noses in.

Similar to our wide variety of shows, the bookshelf has a plethora of options, too. We are a well-rounded team with choices from reading for entertainment to reading for enrichment.
Here is just a glimpse at what we are currently reading!

Water for Elephants
The Fifth Child
My Faraway One
Island Magazine
Moonwalking with Einstein
The EveryGirl’s Guide to Life
The Meat We Eat
Real Marriage
Killing Lincoln
Emily Giffin Collection: Something Borrowed+Something Blue+Love the One You’re With
Cosmo Magazine
World War Z
Steve Jobs Bio
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
The Kalevala
Atlas Shrugged
After America

What’s on your shelf?

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